Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things on my mind

So I realize I haven't posted anything in a while (being yeah, I know, almost 3 months.) well... Oh well. I decided to write some things that have been on my mind lately.

1. Why in the world an almost 20 year old girl would want to learn the Hannah Montana Hoe Down Throw Down? I mean seriously. It's Hannah freaking Montana. (my head is bowed in ultimate disgust and shame).

2. Teachers guaranteeing an A in the class if you show up and actually put in some effort. That man happens to be my Psych 302 teacher (not that that means anything to anyone else) and that man is basically an angel. Definitely getting a Christmas Ham or whatever I can send in the mail that costs less than $5.

3. Drowning. While above water. Walking down the road actually. This lady or dude (I don't remember which exactly)drowned while just living their everyday lives after getting water in their lungs like 3 days prior. Didn't even see it coming. Poor person. I bet we could have been friends. The world may never know.

4. My parents are pretty amazing. I know I don't tell them nearly enough, but they really are. They're funny and cool and I love talking to them. We'll be best friends when I (the favorite/good child) move back in with them when they are miserable from all their kids moving out and become their life long friend who lives in their house and eats their food. Come on, some one has to. They'll be old and not have much appetites. And let's face it, my dad will be diabetic so someone will have to drink all the Pepsi's he's got stored for the millennium. It'll be tough, but I'll make that sacrifice.

5. Do you know how many flavors of ice cream there are? I thought I was somewhat of an expert and had great taste in ice cream. HOWEVER I have discovered that I have yet to even BEGIN to live!!! If you've got some spare time check this out. You'll know what I mean. http://www.who-sucks.com/food/101-frightening-ice-cream-flavors-from-around-the-world

6. I have no life. Seriously. I work, go to school and classes, and do homework. Jeez. Basically I'm an uber nerd. (for those of you not so acquainted with Utah lingo "uber" means "super", "a Lot" "huge" "really") I have been in Utah too long.

1 comment:

tiffany said...

you have been in utah way to long
when do you leave for good?

you know the hanna montana hoe down? i have only seen my neicies do that once when they were practicing you should post a video

great post thanks